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Tag Archives: Media
American Pravda: “Liberal Bias”
When a small publication such as The American Conservative publishes a sharp attack against the mainstream media as I recently did in American Pravda, the ultimate result largely depends upon whether that selfsame media will take any notice. Many tens or even low … Continue reading
Posted in Media, UnzColumn
Tagged American Pravda, China, Media
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American Pravda: ZeroHedge
For years futurists have been regularly prophesizing that the power of the Internet will level the playing field between the mighty and the weak, and one more nugget of evidence that this day is finally dawning has now come to … Continue reading
Posted in Economics/Finance, Immigration/Race, Media, UnzColumn
Tagged American Pravda, Economics/Finance, Immigration/Race, Media, Minimum Wage
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American Pravda: Barrels of Gunpowder and Sparks
As I often tell people, there seems a totally unpredictable, even random aspect to major American media coverage. Whether a scandal explodes into the public eye or escapes without notice seems difficult to foretell. Consider the recent example of Dr. … Continue reading
Posted in Immigration/Race, Media, UnzColumn
Tagged American Pravda, Immigration/Race, IQ, Media
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Race/IQ: The Jason Richwine Affair
Amid loud cries of “Witch! Witch! Burn the Witch!” an enraged throng of ideological activists and media pundits late last week besieged the fortress-like DC headquarters of the conservative Heritage Foundation, demanding the person of one Jason Richwine, Ph.D., employed … Continue reading
American Pravda: Reality Television
The early reaction to my “American Pravda” article has been quite encouraging, with the piece attracting more traffic during its first week than nearly any of my others and with several websites discussing, excerpting, or even republishing it. Furthermore, the average time … Continue reading
Posted in Media, UnzColumn
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Our American Pravda
Now read “Our American Pravda” at The Unz Review In mid-March, the Wall Street Journal carried a long discussion of the origins of the Bretton Woods system, the international financial framework that governed the Western world for decades after World War II. A … Continue reading
Posted in Media, Published
Tagged American Conservative, American Pravda, Major Item, Media
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Britain’s Most Beloved Child-Molester
Even as the front pages of America’s top newspapers were debating the vital question of whether Obama’s raised eyebrow had overcome Romney’s clenched jaw, and which of our two ideologically-polar-opposite candidates was more sincere in his pledge of undying loyalty … Continue reading
The Influence of Encounter
The endless pace of change in our media landscape regularly plays tricks upon all of us. Many have seen the amusing web video in which a very young child repeatedly attempts to click or swipe the colorful pages of a … Continue reading
Thalidomide II and the Silence of the American Media
A couple of years ago, Pulitzer Prize winner Sydney Schanberg, one of America’s most celebrated Vietnam War journalists and a former top editor at the New York Times, explained to me the sad realities of our major newspapers. According to … Continue reading
Robert Caro and the Lost History of the 1960s—Plus a Vioxx Note
The recent publication of the fourth long volume of Robert Caro’s biography of Lyndon Johnson demonstrates how much even the relatively recent printed past has almost totally disappeared from current consciousness. Consider the 1958-1964 period covered by Caro’s current narrative, … Continue reading
The Long Decline of The London Economist
Once, long ago, at the very close of the 1970s, I discovered a most remarkable periodical. Published on newsprint so thin as to almost be translucent, mailed out twice each fortnight tightly folded in a plain brown wrapper, it called … Continue reading
Was Rambo Right? II – Are the Neocons Throwing John McCain Overboard?
Six days ago, we released our cover story presenting Sydney Schanberg’s stunning account of the American abandonment of hundreds of POWs in Vietnam, their presumed later death at Communist hands, and the decades-long governmental cover-up which thereafter ensued. Since that … Continue reading
McCain and the POW Cover-up: TAC Symposium
The current issue of The American Conservative contains a symposium discussing the quite remarkable media silence surrounding the Vietnam POW research of Sydney Schanberg. Schanberg, a Pulitzer-Prize winning former New York Times reporter and editor, has published extensively documented evidence that … Continue reading
Was Rambo Right?
Was Rambo Right? by Ron Unz Hundreds of POWs may have been left to die in Vietnam, abandoned by their government—and our media. The American Conservative, July 2010, COVER STORY In the closing days of the 2008 presidential campaign, I … Continue reading
Posted in Media, Published
Tagged American Conservative, Cover Story, Major Item, McCain, Media, Vietnam
1 Comment
War Crimes vs. Thought Crimes
War Crimes vs. Thought Crimes by Ron Unz National Review Online, Friday, May 4, 2001 Former Senator Bob Kerrey is fortunate indeed that the charges recently leveled against him are merely that he committed war crimes and not any far more devastating … Continue reading
Why Books Matter
“Why Books Matter” by Ron Unz Unpublished, June 2000 Here’s a paradox. A reasonably successful non-fiction public policy book may sell 15,000 to 30,000 copies, many, perhaps most of which will end up being unread. These numbers are absolutely negligible … Continue reading