Last sunday’s San Jose Mercury News ran one of the longest and most extensive investigative stories thus far on the origins of Proposition 227—our “English for the Children” initiative against bilingual education—starting on the front-page, and continuing on for over 250 column-inches, including numerous photos.
Although we don’t want to jam your fax machines, we’ll be glad to send copies out by request, and the text is already up on our web site, at
On a less positive note, the New York Times has chosen not to run my letter regarding their own recent story on our initiative, so I am providing it below.
- English Initiative’s Spanish-Speaking Roots
San Jose Mercury News, Sunday, March 22, 1998 - Report: English favored by kids
San Jose Mercury News, Saturday, March 21, 1998, FRONT PAGE - Poll: Anti-bilingual education measure has broad support
San Jose Mercury News, Friday, March 20, 1998